how do we know that it is an contact and non-contact force?

Contact forces can be defined as the forces which can be applied on an object only when it is in contact with the object. For example: Frictional force.

Non-contact forces can be defined as the forces which can be applied on the object without contact with the object. For example: Gravitational force.

It is very simple to see whether a force is touching the object or not.

@ Ujwal: Nice!

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We can know that is a contact force or a non-contact by just observing the object very carefully if the object is in direct contact with the other object than we say the object is under infuence of conctact force.

For example,

pulling of troley by the kulies in the station,friction force.

on the other hand if the body is not in conctact with other external force than we say it is in influnce if non-contact force,

For example,

falling of ball under the influnce of gravity when thrown up with a certain force.....

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