how to trace evolutionary relationship? with ex in context to a animal or bird?

Dear student.

There are various ways by which evolutionary relationship can be traced such as:

1. Studying various homologous and analogous structures.
2. Radio Carbon dating.
3. Determining Age of Fossils.
4. Studying comparative embryology.  
Many species show structural or generic features that serve no apparent function. These structures are called vestigial organs. For example, the presence of pelvic bones in snakes and whales. These suggest that the species has changed over time, and descended from an ancestor with different ecological or generic characteristics. This is how they serve as a source of tracing evolutionary relationships.


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Fossils tell us about evolutionary relationship.
The deeper the fossil the latest the species died. So upper strata has more complexitites while lower ones have simpler designs.
It can also be detected by matching it with the Isotope,

Ex- Archaeopteryx is an intermediate which is an evolutionery evidence . It was a reptile which had tail and scales but evolved feathers for thermoregulation and later the feathers were used for flight, this shows that the birds have evolved from reptiles

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