if (p1,q1) and (p2,q2) are the extremities of a focal chord of the parabola y?=4ax,then p1p2 is equal to:

  Dear student


The chord of the parabola which passes through the focus is called the focal chord.

Any chord to y= 4ax which passes through the focus is called a focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax. 

GIven:  y2 = 4ax be the equation of a parabola and ,Let Pbe(p1,q1)=(at2, 2at) and  the coordinates of the other extremity be  Q (p2,q2) of the focal chord through P are (at12, 2at1).

Then, PS and SQ, where S is the focus (a, 0), have the same slopes

⇒ (2at-0)/(at2- a) = (2at- 0)/(at1- a)

⇒ tt12 – t = t1t2 – t1

⇒ (tt1 + 1) (t1 – t) = 0.

Hence t1 = –1/t, i.e. the point Q is (a/t2, –2a/t).

The extremities of a focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax may be taken as the points t and –1/t. 
there fore P (p1,q1)=(at2,2at)
the point Q(p2,q2)= (a/t2, –2a/t).
Therefore p1p2=at2×at2=a2


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