if the probability of winning a race of an athlete is 1/6 less than the twice the probability of losing the race find the probability of winning the race

Let the probability of losing the race = xthen probabiity of winning the race = 2x - 16Now, Pwinning the race + Plosing the race = 12x - 16 + x = 13x = 1 + 16 = 76x = 718Now, Pwinning the race = 2x - 16 = 2 ×718 - 16 = 79 - 16 = 14 - 318 = 1118

  • 39
Let the probability of loosing race be x.
probability of winning race = 1/6 - 2x ........(1)
probability of winning race + probability of loosing race =1
1/6-2x + x = 1
1/6 - x = 1
1 - 6x/6 =1
1 - 6x = 6
- 6x = 6 - 1
- 6x = 5
x = -5/6
putting the value of x in (1)
1/6 - 2(-5/6)
1/6 + 10/6
  • 7
thx ^_^
  • 7
11/6 exceeds more than 1.
Is it 2x-1/6?
  • 2
probability of losing + probability of winning = 1
x+2x-1/6 = 1
3x= 1+1/6
3x= 7/6 (LCM)
thus probability of winning is 11/18.
  • 22
let the probability of lossing the game be 2x 
so the probabilty of winning the game +the propabibilty of lossing it =the answer 
  • -1
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