if there is an acid rain what happens to water in wells n how is well water safe for drinking wen it is kept in open exposed to germs

Dear student,
Well water is the ground water which is free from germs because of the long travel time in the sub surface environment. Most of the microbes are filtered while forming ground water. If acid rain percolates through soil and mixes with the ground water then it depends on the chemistry of the rocks surrounding ground water. Carbonate rocks neutralises acid rain water while percolating through soil.
Well should be properly covered while not in use to avoid any kind of contamination like acid rain. If well is not properly covered, well water will become acidic and will not be suitable for drinking.
Well water is not suitable for drinking when kept open because chances of microbial contamination increases. In case of contamination disinfection of well water should be carried out by sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite under the supervision of government agencies.


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When there is an acid rain then water inside the well gets acidic properties
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well water is not pure for any of the work
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We should first purify the water n check whether all the impurities (bacteria) are gone before using it
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dont know
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Then the well become of acidic nature which is not good for us to drink because it can harm us .to make it suitable for drink from acid rain we should add calcium oxide
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question not clear
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question not clear​question not clear
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