II. Read the passage given below.

I. Research from the Publishers Association has shown that films based on books take 44% more at the box office revenue in the UK and 53% more worldwide than original screenplays. The report explores what impact a book has when adapted for film and TV. 

II. The report reads: “Published material is the basis of 52% of top UK films in the last 10 years, and accounts for an even higher share of revenue from these leading performers, at 61% of UK box office gross and 65% of worldwide gross.” The Hollywood adaptation of“My Cousin Rachel” was shown to have a significant impact on the sales of the Daphne Du Maurier thriller. The sales of the book in 2017 alone accounted for 23% of all sales since 1992.

III. The research suggests that adapted films tend to perform better, because films can “leverage the popularity” of well-known books through an existing audience. Films adapted from books also tend to have a richer, more fully-developed story to draw on. In terms of TV adaptation, it was revealed that a quarter of dramas were based on literary sources and attracted a 56% larger share of the audience than those based on original scripts. Fourteen of the 35 high end series produced in the UK in the period between January and September 2017 were based on books, compared to seven based on true stories or historical events and five based on pre-existing films or TV stories.

IV. In the case of the 2016 BBC broadcast of “The Night Manager”, research revealed that while the novel was in circulation for over 25 years, 82% of the copies it sold were in 2016 and 2017. Sales of the paperback edition remained strong in 2017 even after the
series went off the air. V. In conclusion, the report states that “there is a strong two-way relationship between publishing and the wider creative economy, wherein a successful adaptation often has spill-over effects and gives a substantial boost to the sales of the original book.” (338 words)

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions by choosing the correct option.

Q.11 The purpose of the research by Publishers Association was to study the_____.
Choose the correct option.

A. variety in films and TV shows.
B. impact of films on books.
C. choice of books for film-making.
D. connect between books and films.

Q.12 Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) The revenues generated at the box office have increased.
(2) Majority of the top films in the UK are based on published material.

A. (1) is the result of (2).
B. (1) is the reason for (2).
C. (1) is independent of (2).
D. (1) contradicts (2).

Q.13 Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement. “The sales of the book in 2017 alone accounted for 23% of all sales since 1992.”

A. There were 23% higher sales in 2017 than previous years.
B. A major chunk of sales happened in 2017.
C. The sales were limited to 23% in 2017.
D. There were very few books sold in the previous years.

Q.14 According to the research, the films based on books have greater success because____.

A. people like to see the characters from the books on screen.
B. the films get the advantage of the fame of the books.
C. it takes less effort for people to watch films than read books.
D. the films get a ready-made script from the books.

Q.15 Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to. ‘Films adapted from books also tend to have a richer, more fully-developed story to draw on.’
(1) The plot and the storyline of such films are better.
(2) The characters are likely to be more vivid.
(3) The production of such films is meant for the rich and famous.
(4) The settings and costumes are adapted from the book.
(5) The making of such films require the author to write a sequel.
A. (1), (3) and (4)
B. (2), (3) and (5)
C. (1), (2) and (5)
D. (1), (2) and (4)

Q.16 On what from the following were the maximum TV serials in UK in the year 2017 based?
A. books.
B. historical stories.
C. original true stories.
D. previous films.

Dear Student,
11. Option D. connect between books and films.
12. Option A. (1) is the result of (2).
13. Option B. A major chunk of sales happened in 2017.
14. Option B. the films get the advantage of the fame of the books.
15. Option D. (1), (2) and (4)
16. Option A. books.

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