In our country, according to a census, there are 882 adolescents females for every 1000 males. Find out.
a)The concerns of the community regarding this low ratio. Remember that the chance of having a boy or a girl is equal.
b)What amniocentesis is and how useful this technique is. Why is its use for identification ofgender of the unborn child banned in India ?

Can u pls help me in this ?

a) In humans the chances of having a boy and girl are equal so the ratio of boys and girls in a community should be almost equal. But in our country there is a huge difference in the ratio of boys and girls. There are 882 girls over boys according to census. This difference is of great concern for the community as the low ratio of girls is because of killing of girl child either in womb or just after the birth. This shows boys are more favored than girls. If this continues then the number of girls in the population will decrease tremendously. 

b) Amniocentesis is a procedure in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is drawn out of the uterus through a needle inserted in the abdomen. This fluid have some of the skin cells of foetus. The cells is then analyzed to detect genetic abnormalities in the foetus . So, this technique is useful. But this technique can also be used to determine the sex of the foetus. Identification of gender of the unborn child banned in India as some people are partial they favor male child as compared to female. Such people kill the child in womb of mother if they got to know its female. So, to ensure the survival of female child the sex determination is banned. 

Hope this helps!!

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