In the given figure , PN and UL are respectively the bisectors of angle P and angle U of a quadrilateral JUMP meet MU and JP produced in N and L . Prove that : Angle JPM+ angle JUM = 2 ( angle N + angle L ) solution​

Dear Student,

From triangle JUL,
J + JUL + L = 180 ............ (1) (Sum of angles of a triangle is equal to 180)
But, JUL = JUM2    ( Since LU is angle bisector)
therefore, (1) implies
J + JUM2L = 180  ............... (2)
Now, From triangle PNM,

N + NPM + M = 180  .......... (3) ​(Sum of angles of a triangle is equal to 180)

But, ​ NPM = JPM2      ​( Since PN is angle bisector)
(3) implies
N + ​JPM2  + ​M  = 180 ................ (4)
(2) + (4) gives,

J + JUM2 + L  + ​N + ​JPM2  + ​M = 360  ............. (5)
J + M + P + U = 360       (Sum of angles of quadrilateral is 360)
(5) implies
JUM2+JPM2 + ​L  + ​N + 360 - ​P - U = 360 .............. (6)
but P = JPM2 and U = JUM2
(6) implies

JPM + JUM = 2 (N + L) 
Hence proved


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