in the parallelogram abcd the diagonals ac and bd intersect each other at m if ac is 9cm find the length of am?

AC =  9cm

We know that the intersecting point of diagonals of parallelogram are bisectors of each other.

... AM = 1/2 of AC

           = 1/2 * 9 = 4.5CM

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In your question,your question says ac = 9 cm.

You need to draw a diagram for this,and when you draw it,you will notice that m is the middle point of ac,and practically am + mc = ac and both am and mc are equal.

so it stands that x + x = 9

2x = 9

x = 9/2

x = 4.5 cm

therefore am=4.5cm

Hope this helps,thumbs up please

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