In triangle ABC, M is the midpoint of BC such that CM = MB. In triangle AMB, L is the midpoint of AB such that AL = 2LB. The area of triangle ABC is 7.2
Find the area of triangle ALM.

Hi Srinidhi,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We have, ABC as the given  in which M is the mid point of BC or AM is median to BC.We know that, median of a  divides it into 2 's of equal areas.In ABC, AM is median to BC, then       arAMC = arAMB  ......1Now, arABC = 7.2 cm2   givenarAMC + arAMB = 7.2arAMB + arAMB = 7.2     Using 12arAMB = 7.2arAMB = 3.6 cm2   .......2Now, we  have L as a point on AB such that AL = 2 LB.Now, from point M, draw MQAB.    arALM = 12×base×heightarALM = 12×AL×MQ      ........3and arMLB = 12×LB×MQ       .......4dividing 3 by 4, we get   arALMarMLB = 12×AL×MQ12×LB×MQarALMarMLB = ALLBarALMarMLB = 2LBLB   as, AL = 2LBarALMarMLB = 2arMLB = 12arALM    ..........5Now, from 2, we have    arAMB = 3.6 cm2  arALM + arMLB = 3.6arALM +  12arALM  = 3.6   using 532arALM = 3.6arALM = 3.6 × 23arALM = 2.4 cm2

Hope this information will clear your doubt about this topic.        
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