In whichof the Slovents- water,kerosene and cooking oil does the coal powder dissolve?

In whichof the Slovents- water,kerosene and cooking oil does the coal powder dissolve? FAIoss!p uopmod poo soop •umooo pun auoson>l '1010M -SIUOAIOS JO L10!qm •

It will only dissolve in water....
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Dear friend
None of the above, as coal is a mixture of heterogeneous substances and only a part of it can be dissolved by each of the solvents mentioned above.
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none of the above as coal is saturated carbon compound
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None of the above
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Disoval in water
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Dear friend
None of the above, as coal is a mixture of heterogeneous substances and only a part of it can be dissolved by each of the solvents mentioned above.
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Convert into 14 and 19 Hum Kya Karenge pahle Ham Ko Likhenge fore Likhenge Ham into ka San lagakar to Likhenge Hum naya Likhenge
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Coal coal does not dissolve in any of this solutions
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Please find this answer

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