It probably won't make a bit of
difference. What for and why does
the speaker say so? (Anne frank)

even i wanna know it
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It wont make a difference for Anne as she was so confident in her decision that she will end up having no friend therefore she doesn't need to take care of sharing her diary 

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Anne Frank said that it would not make a difference because, she is treating her diary as her best-friend, which means she is pouring her heart or getting all kinds of thing off her chest, as she is expressing her feelings in the diary , so if she ever finds a *real friend* she would do the same as she did with her diary, that is express herself, so her real friend reading the diary would not make any difference.
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Anne said this because the diary which she was writing was just like her real friend. Since she used to write all her activities, experience, and all the things which she has taken on her chest. She won't let it read by anyone else until she got a real friend. Her real friend would be like her Diary who will have the right to know everything about Anne just like the Diary. So that's why she said that in a real friend and diary, there would be no difference.
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