Jiya walks 60 km due east and then 8 km due north. How far is she from her starting place?

Dear student, 

If Jiya wals 60 km due east and 8 kn due north then she is forming a rectangle.Distance from the starting point is the length of the diagonal of the rectangle.Which is:Distance = 602 + 82 = 3600 +64 = 3664 = 4229 km


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424 root square km
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Consider her starting position to be origin(0,0,0)
she travels 60 km east and then 8 km north
if east is taken as positive x axis and north as positive y axis, then her position can be represented by the vector (60î+8k)
thus her distance from initial position i.e. Origin, is given by the amplitude of vector which is root(60sq+8sq) = root(3600+64) = root(3664) =4*root(229) metres
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(Pythagoras term)distance of due east =60 km
distance of due north =8 km
distance from her starting place =82 +602
82=8 x 8
602=60 x 60
=3600 + 64

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