list two differences between 'holozoic nutrition' and 'saprophitic nutrition'. give two examples of each of these type of nutrition

holozoic nutrition : (1) ​The Holozoic nutrition Is a nutritional method that involves the ingestion of liquid or solid organic material. 
                                ​(2)internal digestion takes place.
                                ​example: human, deer, tiger etc

saprophytic nutrition : (1) in saprotrophic nutrition the organism obtain their food from dead and decaying organic matter.
                                    ​  ​(2) external digestion takes place
                                  ​  ​example: fungi, bread moulds

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Sapro means rotten.Holozoic means feeding of solid food.
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holozoic nutrition is the mode if nutrition in which the food is being taken in solid form i.e. in mammals whereas saprotrophic mode of nutrition means they take there food from dead and decaying plants and animals
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