Look at the cartoon. What is being implied? What is the importance of media in a democracy in content to the given cartoon? 

Dear Student,

The following points may help you:

a. This cartoon is by Shankar Pillai who tried to depict the importance and relevance of freedom of expression in a democracy in sartorial way.
b. If you carefully observe , this cartoon, reflects how freedom of expression which forms the essence of democracy is being intervened by the authority which is reflected in the form of a monkey , which decides what needs to be heard, to be said .
c. This makes freedom of expression in a democracy a farce.
d. The cartoon sparked a lot of controversy and debate, as one cannot control freedom of expression, or media , by imposing censorship and claim it to be democratic.
e. The relationship between media and democracy in this cartoon is thus subject to political interference, which hampers the responsibility of media to express freely .
 We may give example, from Indian history when government censored media. For example, ​The period of Emergency from 1975 to 1977 is considered to be the dark chapter in the history of Democratic rule in India.During Emergency, freedom of speech and expression was curtailed. Government suspended freedom of the press. Newspapers were asked to take prior approval from the government for all the material to be published. This was known as Press censorship.
f. Media plays a very importnat role in a democracy in forming and expressing public opinion. 
It influences our thoughts and moulds our attitudes to a great extent.
g.  Media has an important role to play in a democracy, in contributing towards enlightened citizenry 

h. Media is a link between the people and the administration, who can put forward their views to the government .
i. People can make use of media to raise their views and opinions and can hold debates and put pressure on the government.
Having an independent media, is one of the essential features of  a democracy.
j. Media ensures that government is responsive to the needs of the people.
k. It is rather voice of the people and thus must not be controlled.



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The money says "Jobstealer!"

Also, experts please dont close this question, by says its a question you need to try on your own, I tried but can't answer, so please just answer it!
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