Love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being? Comment?

Dear student,

Love for freedom is the natural instinct of every living being. No bird wants to be caged even if it is given the best grains to eat. No animal wishes to spend its life behind the bars of a cage or an enclosure even if it is provided with a luxurious ambience and high-quality food! They would trade these for freedom in the blink of an eye. The tiger inside the enclosure yearns to be free so that it can do as it pleases and be the master of its own will. Man too displays this desire: nothing tastes sweeter than freedom.To be able to breathe freely, to roam around and do what one wishes: a blessing like no other!


  • 36
i agree with the statement that love for freedom is a natural instinct for every living being as freedom is everyones birthright . we cannot take away someones freedom and enslave them. no one likes to be caged and loves being free , just like a bird living in a cage dreams of breaking out and living in her own habitat and have the freedom to fly and soar heights. 
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