MCQ1 Q12 ; Chocolate, Choodee, Frock and Kursi have been marked at Vyaktivachak Sangya (Proper Noun). How is this possible? Aren't they Jaativachak Sangya?

मित्र आपने सही कहा है, ये सभी जातिवाचक संज्ञाएँ हैं। हम प्रयास करेंगे कि शीघ्र इसे ठीक करवाया जा  सके। असुविधा के लिए क्षमा चाहते हैं।

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They are common noun , actually .

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They are common noun which we can find everywhere because they are common.

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They are common noun which we can find everywhere because they are common.
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because they are commo noun.

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They should beJaativachak Sangya kyon ki chocolate koi bhi ho sakta hai cadbery,5star etc. vaise chudi,frock, kursi nirdist korke ekhichudi,frock ya kursiko nahi bolte hain is liye mere khyalse ve sabJaativachak Sangya hi kahelayega.

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Can Meritnation teacher kindly correct this wrong answer it is misleading the students

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Yes,they are Jaativachak sangya not Vyaktivachak

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