Mention the location and the functions of the following:
ii.blind spot

Dear Student,

  • Location- Pinna, also called the auricle, is the outermost (and visible) portion of the ear.
  • Functions-
    • The main function of the ear pinna (the external part of the ear) is to collect sound waves and pass them inside the ear.
    • Pinna is made up of cartilage which helps the external ear to be extremely flexible so that it can adjust its position to capture the sound waves and results in optimum listening.
    • The bony structure would have reduced the flexibility of the external ear.
Blind Spot-
  • Location- At the junction of the optic nerve and retina, there are no sensory nerve cells. So no vision is possible at that point and is known as a blind spot.
  • Functions-
    • The blind spot is where the optic nerve and blood vessels leave the eyeball.
    • The optic nerve is connected to the brain.
    • It carries images to the brain, where they're processed. This is how we know what we're seeing.

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