my question is that if we are given an arc,say AB. Now complete the circle.


Given: An arc AB

(In order to form a complete circle, we need to find out its centre and we know that centre of the circle is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of any two chords of the circle)

∴ Following are the steps of construction for completing the circle from the given arc : –

Step I: Mark a point P, on the arc AB.

Step II: Join AP and PB

Step III: Draw perpendicular bisectors of AP and PB. Let them intersect at point O.

Step IV: With O as centre and OA as radius draw a circle, passing through the points A, P and B.

Thus, we get the required circle as follows:


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We use the following property of the circles:

  The perpendicular bisector of the chord of a circle passes through the center of the circle.

So we draw to chords in the given arc AB and draw their perpendicular bisectors. Both of these will pass through the center of the circle of which arc AB is the part.

The point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of these arcs give us the center and now we can complete the circle.

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Thank you so much mam

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hey dude....thanks ya!!!!

  • 1
What are you looking for?