​Q14. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Would you carry an umbrella, if you go out on that day? Why/ Why not ?

Q15. If a building were made of materials that are good conductors, would lightning strike the building?
         Would a lightning conductor be still required to be installed? Why / Why not?

Q16. A glass rod can be charged by holding in hand, while an iron rod can be charged only by attaching it to an insulator. Explain.

Q17. If the intensities recorded for two different events of earthquake on the Richter scale are 3 and 7 respectively, how many times more would be the amplitude in the latter case ?

Q18. Open a water tap. Adjust the-flow to a thin stream. Charge a plastic pen refill by rubbing on flannel or wool. Bring it near the water stream. What do you observe ? Why ?

Q19. Two electroscopes X and Y are connected with a copper wire as shown. What will happen next? Explain.

Dear Student ,
14. We must not carry an umbrella during a thunderstorm as when thunderstorm occurs thunders along with lightning , electrical discharges can also be seen .So if we carry an umbrella then we can get electrocuted and deaths can occur .Thus we must not carry an umbrella at the time of thunderstorm .
15 .Yes lightning will strike the building and several damages along with death of residents can occur in this case .So a building must not be made of good conductors rather it can be made of good insulators .Again , conducting rod is not required in the building to be set up as the building is itself a conductor .

Kindly ask different question in different posts .

  • 1
14. No we would not carry an umbrella in a thunderstorm because it's accompanied by lightning , electric discharge from clouds can travel through the metallic rod of an umbrella , which is a conductor (metal) of electricity so the person carrying umbrella may get shock which can lead to death! Hence we would not carry an umbrella !!
  • 2
14. no, i do not take umbrella because in a thunderstorm there is a chance that the lightning may fall at the top of umbrella
  • 2
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