Please answer the questions from Q1-Q5

Dear student,Q1= The characteristics of an organism (a plant or an animal) that help it survive in its habitat are called adaptations. Example: Adaptations of animals in deserts Deserts are very hot and receive very little rainfall in a year. These conditions make deserts very harsh for the survival of living beings. Therefore, animals living in deserts have some special features. Camels have long legs, which help them walk on sand. They do not sweat and their dung is dry. This allows them to conserve water in their body. Other desert animals such as rats and snakes live in burrows to stay away from the intense heat. These animals surface during the night when it gets colder. ...... Q2=Animals have hard shells to keep themselves protected from predators. They can pretend to be dead or let off an awful odor. They can sting or bite and use mimicry, when an animal imitates another animal that is dangerous. Fish have fins to help them swim and gills that let them breathe underwater.Animals also adapt through certain behaviors. When threatened, a porcupine extends its quills, making it very hard for a fox to eat them..Q3=Carnivores have adaptation like sharp teeth for eating flesh of other animals. Other adaptation is that they have large jaws to hunt down their prey... Post other question in separate threads to get rapid assistance from us. REGARDS.

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