Please choose the correct option and explain why that option is correct . Questions 52 and 53. Answer it as soon as possible.

Please choose the correct option and explain why that option is correct . Questions 52 and 53. Answer it as soon as possible. 459. c

Dear student,

52) Given: 0°<θ<90°we know sec0°=1 and sec90°=Hence value of secθ will lie between 1 and thus the value of secθ is greater than 1Option (a) is correct.53) If sinA=cosAthen sinA=sin90°-A               --[  sin (90-θ)=cosθ]A=90°-A2A=90°A=90°2A=45°Option (b) is correct.


  • 1
53. Answers is 45

  • 1
45 degrees
  • 1
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