Please explain from all of their time to as big as Doom

Please explain from all of their time to as big as Doom A sealed in with a lend Pat' stars of word$' is wicked. (lie jnap a bad exarnple, s and love tentpling them to steal- •s that slvlv . in ili€•iv eratnped-holes their (lag heap, these children peeped by bones and spectacley of siecl- tnended glass. like ;bottle stones. o All oi their tune and their tnaps with slutn.s as big as dooms A 'nless. Soveuxor. inspector. visitor. tuap beconws their wind( e windows lives lik Break O break opsy(ill-ihcy-.brcak-thetownur? •green tielåk) and make their world sho the sand, •un 201 et their_tongugs m naked in o books the white and green leaves, open Histoi•y theirs

Dear Student,
The lines above state that these children will have to face many hardships in their life. They won't have a good future in this slum. As the slum increases in size, it will further destroy their future. With such circumstances, hardships and helplessness, it will be difficult for them to get out of it. 

Hope this solves your query.


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