Please give ansers of all the question.

Dear student,
answers to your 1st and 2nd question are provided below:-
Types of resources:-
 1. Renewable resources: The resources which can be reproduced or replenished frequently.Ex:solar energy,wind energy
2.Non-renewable resources: The resources which cannot be replenished or reproduces once exhausted. Ex:minerals,coal
3.Biotic:Generally the living organisms or things available on the biosphere.Ex:humans
4.Abiotic:The non-living things available in the biosphere. Ex: mountains
some important characteristics of resources are as follows :
1) Usefulness
2) Limited
3) All resources are inter -related.
4) Managerial process applicable to all resources.
5) Quality of life is determined by the use of resources.
6) Economically feasible
7) Technically accessible
For your remaining queries we request you to post them in different threads to have rapid assistance from our experts.

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