Please provide the answer to these questions urgently!

Dear student,
Please find below the answer:

6. No, it is not right to blame a woman for not having a male child. This could be justified in the following way:

In human beings, the females have two X chromosomes and the males have one X and one Y chromosome. Therefore, the females are XX and the males are XY. The gametes, as we know, receive half of the chromosomes. The male gametes have 22 autosomes and either X or Y sex chromosome.

Type of male gametes: 22+X OR 22+ Y.

However, since the females have XX sex chromosomes, their gametes can only have X sex chromosome.

Type of female gamete: 22+X

Sex determination in humans

Thus, the mother provides only X chromosomes. The sex of the baby is determined by the type of male gamete (X or Y) that fuses with the X chromosome of the female.

7. Phenotypic and genotypic ratio in F2 generation is generally different but it is same in case of cross between red flowered snap dragon and white dragon plants. This is due to the phenomenon called incomplete dominance.
Incomplete dominance refers to the phenomena in which neither of the traits are able to completely dominate the other. This leads to the partial expression of both the traits. An example of this is  Mirabilis jalapa.  When pure breeding white flowers are crossed with pure breeding red flowers then we get all pink flowers in F1 generation.  

​​​​Cross between red flowered snap dragon and white dragon plants.


​​​​​Please post remaining questions in separate thread.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.
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