Please solve QC 1_4 without using and but or so

Please solve QC 1_4 without using and but or so thief the Witb a pvropriate words: indiscipline, fine he set his S these page the has a I her a As seen as entered rtx»n he his heavy bag. S I •seen Ravi tie seats-eves make sentence without using and. but or so: Yanez her jeuelle.•y_ She cleared her house I-Nn arrears : was was are a'Yotdable. They are n«essary evil. Reeme the sentences according to instructions b"' do not change the meaning of LA have built 'f the tiands had not run out.

Dear student,
1. Janet sold all her jewellery to clear her house loan arrears.
2. The match was put off as there was a downpour.
3. Private tuitions are not affordable yet a necessary evil.
4. Our destiny is unpredictable as the ways of God are strange.


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