Please solve this exercise and thank you

Please solve this exercise and thank you exerc'se: A hydraulic press is a U tube, whose branches' sections are unequal, Sl = IOcm2 and S2 — 50cm2, containing oil. The free surfaces of oil are pressed by the pistons as indicated in the figure (a). 'Itie mass of the small piston is ml — 5kg and that of the large piston is m2 (unknown). l- a. Calculate the pressure exerted by the small piston on oil. Take g = ION'kg. b. Give the pressure exerted by oil on the large piston. 2- Determine the mass m2 of the large piston, if the two pistons are On the same level. 3- We remove the large piston, the level of oil in the large branch rises a height h as indicated in the figure (b).Caleulate h. Given the density of oil 7500kg/m3. small piston Oil I arue ptston figure (a) figure (b)

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