Pls can u help us

Pls can u help us GRADE Ntn ENGLISH WORKSHEET J - JULY 2019 tho questions T sign: was hoppy on daw it dancing h. sinning in happiness He in e he unable 10 bear his "ded out and Suddcnlv, he heard a nightingale it added He Was unable to sweet voice. the goddess appeared p peacock Complained his and addres,ed the peacock. mugh voice and he was sad ot 't. After 'istening to the peacock, explained, They and made In a certain manner that serves the greater purpose. Yes, the nightingale is with a beautifu' voice. but you are also blessed - with such a beautiful and WiuerineoL"naze' and mak'np the o' what The peacock understood how he had been in Comparing to others and forgetting He realized that day, that Was unique some other. What is the moral of the story? What is the meaning of the phrase 'add fuel to the fire'? Did you ever fee' being embarrassed like the peacock in your life? Why? How do you feel when your parents compare with some of your friends? What reaction? O. 'He i" of himself is good to nobody.' Do you agree? yes. why? If no. why? What age strengths and how did you acquire them?

Dear Student,

The solutions to question number 1 to 3 are given below:

1. Every creature in this world is special and is made for a specific purpose. One should always admire this fact and never discourage themselves by comparing with others.
2. "Fire" in this context means the peacock's grief and sadness of not being able to sing. The nightingales' voice at the same time sounds much better than the peacock which makes the peacock feel jealous. The jealousy of peacock is described using the expression of adding fuel to fire. 
3. Yes. It is a common human tendency to compare ourselves with others. For example, when we don't score well in examination, when we can't win a race/ game/ sport. It is not only about comparing ourselves to others, but also sometimes we end up being sad by comparing our own past with the present. However, it is always better to understand the fact that everyone is special in their own way and we shall be happy with whatever we have.

Due to paucity of time only a few of your queries could be answered. Please post your queries in separate threads to get multiple answers.


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