Pls complete this

Pls complete this 12:44PM www.visl o V'.s-ro. OMRKA. NEW o o o o Name : „ Subject: SCIENCE REPRODUCTION IN ANIMALS Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of clues given O ACROSS I Transforrnation Of larva into an adult through changes 2, The develops inside this in a woman's body. 3. Millions of these are produced by the testes 4. The male organ that transfers the spenns Into vagina. The mixture of fluid and sperm 6, A methcd of asexual reproduction in hydra. 12. Part Of a sperm that helps to swim. 7, The young one of a frog 8 The reproductive organ Of female in humans that eggs. 9. The method Of asexual reproduction in 10. A unicellular animal that reproduces by binary fission I I _ The male organ in humans that is located in the scrotal sac. o o O o 0 0 o o o o 3 o o o O o o O o O WS- 'O. OWARKA, NEW

Dear Student,


1. Metamorphosis.
2. Uterus.
3. Sperms.
4. Penis.
5. Semen.
6. Budding.
12. Tail.


7. Tadpole.
8. Ovary.
9. Binary Fission.
10. Amoeba.
11. Testes.

Hope this information clears your doubts about the topic.

Keep asking!!


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