pls explain me the female reproductive system in detail

Female reproductive system in humans consists of pair of ovaries, pair of oviducts, uterus & vagina. Ovaries produce female germ cells called ova. This ova travels along fallopian tube and at the same time if  mating takes place sperm enters female body through vagina. The process of fusion of male gamete sperm with female gamete ova leads to the formation of zygote, the entire process is known as fertilization. This zygote formed, gets attached in the uterine wall & develops into foetus.

The female reproductive system in plants consists of pistil(stigma, style and ovaries). Fertilized egg i.e. zygote further develops into embryo and then a new organism mostly inside the female reproductive system.


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see this link

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The human female reproductive system (or female genital system) contains two main parts: the uterus, which hosts the developing fetus, produces vaginal and uterine secretions, and passes the anatomically male person's sperm through to the fallopian tubes; and the ovaries, which produce the anatomically female person's egg cells. These parts are internal; the vagina meets the external organs at the vulva, which includes the labia,clitoris and urethra. The vagina is attached to the uterus through the cervix, while the uterus is attached to theovaries via the Fallopian tubes. At certain intervals, the ovaries release an ovum, which passes through theFallopian tube into the uterus.


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 here is the picture of the female reproductive system.

Scheme female reproductive system-en.svg

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