Pls provide a flow chart for Cardiac Cycle.......

Cardiac Cycle

Cardiac cycle is the sequence of events which occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next heart beat.

 In the beginning, all the 4 chambers of the heart are in a state of joint diastole (relaxation). Blood from the veins and the  vena cava flow into the atria.


 Atrium muscles contract (Atrial systole) pushing the blood through Tricuspid and bicuspid valves into ventricles. 


Atrium muscles relax (Atria Diastole) and ventricles contract (ventricular systole) causing blood pressure to increase that closes bicuspid and tricuspid valves and opens semilunar valves to force blood into aorta.


Ventricles relax (ventricular diastole) and ventricular pressure falls, and the semilunar valves close to prevent the backflow of blood into the ventricles.


Blood flows again into the Atrium through veins and it opens the bicuspid and tricuspid values as it starts to flow into ventricles.


                                     Once again, the entire cycle is repeated.

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Cardiac Cycle:- It is the involuntary process of passing of blood through the body in a regulated manner from the pumping organ (heart) to the body and then its returning back to the pumping organ (this is one cycle)

Hope it helps U :)

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