Plz answer :

1. The precautions to be taken during the use of clinical thermometer are:-

1. Keep it in distance from children
2. Be careful from its Mercury
3. If mercury is broken then do not use
4. If mercury is broken and split on the floor then do not step on it and we be careful that it does not harm you.

2. Digital thermometer is also on-demand because:-

1. they are easy to use
2. Do not have Mercury inside it
3. If the clinical thermometer broke then the mercury is split on the floor but if the digital thermometer broke then nothing split on floor except the broken pieces on the floor and it is safe for everyone because mercury is very harmful

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Ans- Thermometer should be washed be fore and after each use ,preferably with an antiseptic solution.

?Do not wash the thermometer with hot water.

?Ensure that before use the mercury level is below 35??C.

Read the thermometer keeping the level of mercury along the line of?sight.

?Handle the thermometer with care, as you handle any glass?articles.

?Dont hold the thermometer by the bulb while reading it.

Ans- 1.? Digital thermometers provide faster results-
Digital thermometers provide fast results as opposed to mercury thermometers whose readings are slower to realize because you have to wait for the mercury to heat and then slowly rise to display the temperature. However, digital thermometers are designed using advanced technology that enables them to provide instant results on the spot, which means no more waiting for crawling hot liquids to rise.
Mercury thermometers are designed utilizing the idea that mercury expands with heat.

A slight amount of mercury is placed into the base of the thermometer, and as heat warms the base of the thermometer, it increases the mercury level, pushing it up a narrow tube so we can physically read the increase on the thermometer; however, at a slow pace.

Mercury is used because it remains liquid throughout various temperatures as opposed to water, which freezes in colder temperatures. Mercury thermometers are also designed to withstand boiling temperatures.

2. Digital thermometers provide better accuracy

Besides the fact that digital thermometers provide faster readings, they are also slowly replacing conventional mercury thermometers because they include various technologies that provide better accuracy, which has even made them a popular choice for various professional industries. In fact, some digital thermometers also include thermocouple sensors on the probe that have been measured and calculated to provide very high accuracy and without the need for calibration like mercury thermostats.

Calibration refers to the measurement that is performed on a thermometer to check the readings. Once the thermometer is tested, it is then adjusted or re-calibrated so that it provides the proper reading. To do so, the thermometer is placed in a boiling hot or ice cold bath for adjustment using the temperatures.

3. Digital thermometers are safer to use

Another reason digital thermometers, such as the?ThermoPro Digital Thermometer, are becoming a more popular choice over mercury thermometers is because they are also safer to use.

Mercury thermometers are most often made of glass, which is inserted into food to gauge the temperature. However, glass is very fragile, which means, it can easily become broken. Mercury is a toxic chemical, which if released could contaminate the body as well as surrounding areas, rendering it unsafe. It is also difficult to clean up. In fact, mercury thermometers are being phased out by a number of countries across the globe and not allowed to be sold to customers due to the hazard they pose.
On the other hand, digital thermometers utilize metal components, which are much sturdier and contain no harmful chemicals for improved safety. There are also some models that can be used to measure temperatures far above the boiling point of mercury, and they can also be used to measure temperatures far below mercury?s freezing point.

Ans- Types of Breeze:

Sea Breeze

Land Breeze

Land breeze and sea breeze take place near large bodies of water.?

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The main difference between both types of Breeze is that water retains the heat for a longer time. The temperature difference between land and water causes a respective change in the densities of the air above their surface. The alternating air movement is caused by the resulting low pressure, which causes the Breeze. People living close to the coastline experience cool sea breeze during the day and warm land breeze during the night. These breezes also play a crucial role in the temperature and humidity level and precipitation rates.

The land breeze and sea breeze diagram have been given below, along with how they occur.

What is a Land Breeze?

The flow of the wind from land to water is known as the land breeze; it is also sometimes called offshore wind. When the temperature of the land is lower compared to the adjacent water body, it happens during the night and early morning. During the last weeks of summer, the land breeze lasts longer because the temperature of the sea will increase the land's daily temperature variation.

How Does Land Breeze Occur?

The following formation outlines how the land breeze is formed:?

During the night, the land cools down quickly as there is no sun to provide the heat, and heats up the surrounding air.

But compared to land, water bodies retain the heat for a longer duration, which causes the air above it to have lower density and rise.?

High pressure is formed above the land; at the same time, low pressure is formed above the water.

The movement of the dense air above the land takes place from land to space over water.

The cooler Breeze comes from shore and is known as a land breeze, as the movement of the winds takes place from high pressure to low-pressure areas.

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What Is a Sea Breeze?

The sea breeze is known as the movement of winds from large water bodies like sea and ocean; they are also known as onshore winds. The occurrence of these Breeze occurs during the spring and summer season as there is more temperature difference between the land and the adjacent water bodies. This is mostly observed in the afternoon when the land reaches the maximum heat level. Compared to the land breezes, the sea breezes are more reliable during the winter season, which is also attributed to the vast temperature difference between the sea and land, which might also cause thunderstorms, and which mostly bring in the rains. Due to the fewer temperature differentials during the autumn and winter months, the sea breezes are not that apparent.

How does Sea Breeze Occur?

The following formation outlines how the sea breeze is formed:?

The land gets quickly heated up by the sun during the daytime.

The air above the water gets less warm compared to the air above the land.

Due to the warmer air above the land, it begins to rise in the air due to being less dense.

Low pressure is formed.

As the warm land air moves up, the denser air above the water moves to take the space above the land. This cooler air is known as a sea breeze.


1)Conduction= the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through the material of a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.

2)Conductor= A conductor is?a material which contains movable electric charges. In metallic conductors, such as copper or aluminum, the movable charged particles are electrons, though in other cases they can be ions or other positively charged species.

3)Insulator= An electrical insulator is a material in which electric current does not flow freely. The atoms of the insulator have tightly bound electrons which cannot readily move. Other materials, semiconductors and conductors conduct electric current more easily.

4)Radiation= Radiation is?energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light. This energy has an electric field and a magnetic field associated with it, and has wave-like properties. You could also call radiation ?electromagnetic waves?.

5)Convection= the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.
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