Plz tell the answer of questions 9 &10


Percentage of Na in the compound = 43.4 %

 Percentage of C in the compound =11.3 %

Percentage of O in the compound = 45.3 %

Mass of Na, C and O in 100 g of compound is:

Na = 43.4 g, C =11.3 g, O = 45.3 g

Converting mass of each element into moles by dividing with their molar mass:

Na = 43.4 / 23 = 1.88

C = 11.3 / 12 = 0.94

O = 45.3 / 16.00 = 2.8

Ratio of the moles of the elements = Na : C : O = 1.88 : 0.94 : 2.8

Dividing by least number 0.94 to get whole number ratio.

C : H : O = 1.88/0.94 : 0.94/0.94 : 2.8/0.94

  = 2 : 1 : 3

Hence, the empirical formula of the compound is = Na2CO3

Kindly post remaining query in next thread.

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