Plz tell the observation conclusion and calcution

Dear student, It seems like that this question belongs to some activity or experiment of your class. So we will highly recommend you to do this in your lab with the help of your teacher so that the best possible observations and calculations can be made from your end. In case you have any other doubt, then do ask on our portal to get rapid assistance from our experts. Regards

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If you want to determine the thickness of a wire take a wire and just square metre round the pencil no measure the length of pencil which is wired and then find out the number of turns that you have given to the pencil and now divide the number of terms total length and you will get the length of the wire
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Plz tell the answer like this

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Brij Mohan sahi I don't want the answer like in a manner u had sent I sent a pic plz anyone tell me the answer like that of my question
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My question is not incomplete
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