PQRS is a parallelogram whose vertices are P(1,4) Q(7,11) R(a,4) S(1,-3) find the value of a

Dear student,

Here is the solution of your asked query:
The vertices of parallelogram are P1,4; Q7,11; Ra,4 and S1,-3.Since opposite sides of parallelogram are equal, so PQ=RSNow we have;PQ=7-12+11-42 and RS=1-a2+-3-42so; 1-a2+-3-42=7-12+11-421-a2+49=36+491-a2=361-a=±61-a=6 and 1-a=-6a=-5 and a=7therefore value of a is -5 or 7


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Since PQ = RS    (in a parallelogram opposite sides are parallel and equal)
so apply distance formula in this and find the value of R.
  • 0
I need the answer to check my answer thanks for you advise
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