Practicel based question

Q26. On observing a permanent slide under the microscope, a student found a structure without cell wall that had light and dark bands. What could be the slide of ? Draw its structure.

Q27. Student A puts Fe nails in H2SO4 solution, while the other student B puts H2 pieces in H2SO4 solution. The observation that solution turns green from blue colour is observed by which student ? Also, write the chemical reaction 

Dear Student,

Please check the question one more time as H2 is a gas so you cannot add pieces of H2 in the H2SO4 which is the second part of your question while in the first part you have mentioned Fe + H2SO4 so here also H2SO4 is a colourless liquid so there is no blue solution present in the question.
Still, I am giving the reaction between Fe and H2SO4 as Fe is more reactive.

Fe + H2SO4  FeSO4 + H2

Also assuming CuSO4 in the first part of reaction instead of H2SO4 as CuSO4 is blue in colour.

Fe + CuSO4  FeSO4 + Cu

Here CuSO4 is blue in colour which will turn to the green colour of FeSO4.

I hope it will help you.



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