prevention is better than cure. explain

  because there are many diseases and conditions which have no cure. There are also some chronic diseases which do not have complete cure and can cause poor quality of life due to disabilities, e.g, congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, stroke etc.

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 Prevention is better then cure means that it it is better to stop a bad thing from happening in the first place then to let it happen and then go to the trouble of fixing it.some things are very difficult to fix, and it would be better if they were already fine and didn't need to be fixed.

Example: A boy caught a cold and had to take horrible medicine. He hated the medicine and wished he did not have a cold.It would be better to have the cold prevented, then it wouldn't need to be cured.

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‘Prevention is better tnan cure” is a wise saying which has comedown to us since ages. It holds true for ever. The wisdom of the saying lies in the fact that a little effort in the early phase of a problem helps to solve it before it becomes too difficult to be solved. This principle is always observed by wise people to succeed in life. Those who do not observe this principle usually suffer even if they are intelligent and hard-working. Observance of this principle becomes a part of one’s nature ; indifference to this principle also becomes a bad habit leading to uneasy consequences

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Prevention is better tnan cure is a wise saying which has comedown to us since ages. It holds true for ever. The wisdom of the saying lies in the fact that a little effort in the early phase of a problem helps to solve it before it becomes too difficult to be solved. This principle is always observed by wise people to succeed in life. Those who do not observe this principle usually suffer even if they are intelligent and hard-working. Observance of this principle becomes a part of ones nature ; indifference to this principle also becomes a bad habit leading to uneasy consequences

Prevention is better then cure means that it it is better to stop a bad thing from happening in the first place then to let it happen and then go to the trouble of fixing it.some things are very difficult to fix, and it would be better if they were already fine and didn 't need to be fixed.

There are also some chronic diseases which do not have complete cure and can cause poor quality of life due to disabilities, e.g, congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, stroke etc.

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How can be prevent any disease before attacking any disease?

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Prevention is better than cure means that it is better to stop a bad thing from happening than to cure it aftet.Because there are some diseases which could not be cured and some diseases cured only a part and can cause poor quality e.g congestive heart failure,stroke.
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explain be temperate in all things
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explain be temperate in all things

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1. Once a person is infected by a disease his/her body functions are damaged and might never recover completely.

2. When aperson is infected by a disease he/she must be bedridden even if we give proper treatment, which results waste of time.

3. The person suffering from the disease can act like a host might spread diseases, this leads to multiplication of problems.

So prevention is better than cure.
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Using common prevention strategies such as regular handwashing helps prevent illnesses like colds and flu from spreading. Taking the time to prepare and store food safely prevents food poisoning. In both cases, it is much more efficient and cost-effective to prevent the illness than to cure it.

However, the idea that prevention is better than a cure refers to more than just illness. The now common expression "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" originally came from Benjamin Franklin, who coined the phrase when he wrote a short essay about how to prevent house fires. As he noted, it was much less expensive to practice fire safety than it was to rebuild a house that burned to the ground.

Taking the time to prevent an inopportune scenario from happening, whether it is getting sick, causing a house fire or experiencing a careless accident, is always better than dealing with the scenario after it occurs.

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it is better to stop a disease from happening than to cure after it affects.because there are some diseases that cannot be cured and some infected persons cannot recover completely.
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Prevention is better tnan cure is a wise saying which has comedown to us since ages. It holds true for ever. The wisdom of the saying lies in the fact that a little effort in the early phase of a problem helps to solve it before it becomes too difficult to be solved. This principle is always observed by wise people to succeed in life.
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Once a person is infected by a disease his/her body functions are damaged and might never recover completely. 2. When aperson is infected by a disease he/she must be bedridden even if we give proper treatment, which results waste of time. 3. The person suffering from the disease can act like a host might spread diseases, this leads to multiplication of problems.
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Explaination of prevention is better than cure

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sometimes some things may be prevented before they happen
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There are three limitations of this approach to dealing with infectious disease. These are:

  • Once someone has a disease, their body functions are damaged and may never recover completely.
  • Treatment will take time, which means that someone suffering from a disease is likely to be bedridden for some time even if we can give proper treatment.
  • The person suffering from an infectious disease can serve as the source from where the infection may spread to other people. This leads to the multiplication of the above difficulties.

It is because of such reasons that prevention of diseases is better than their cure.

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refer to study material 
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Prevention is always better than cure because every infection brings about misery not only to the affected person but also and number of others connected to same. 1) whenever there is an infection damage occurs to one or the other body function and one may not fully recovere from the same. 2) treatment of an infectious disease and complete physical recovery afterwards food give the patient bed ridden for at least a few days that is it causes a lot of working days. 3) a person suffering from an infectious disease can serve as a source from where the infection spread to other person 4) after acquiring disease lot of money has to be spent Forex treatment. 5) some disease like AIDS are untreatable which causes lifelong damage to immune system that leads to early death.
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Using common prevention strategies such as regular handwashing helps prevent illnesses like colds and flu from spreading. Taking the time to prepare and store food safely prevents food poisoning. In both cases, it is much more efficient and cost-effective to prevent the illness than to cure it.

However, the idea that prevention is better than a cure refers to more than just illness. The now common expression "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" originally came from Benjamin Franklin, who coined the phrase when he wrote a short essay about how to prevent house fires. As he noted, it was much less expensive to practice fire safety than it was to rebuild a house that burned to the ground.

Taking the time to prevent an inopportune scenario from happening, whether it is getting sick, causing a house fire or experiencing a careless accident, is always better than dealing with the scenario after it occurs.

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in oswaal book it is given clearly
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Prevention is better than cure because firstly the person suffering from that disease may be act as a infectious source to other.
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This is answer

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Prevention is really better than treatment beacuse when any kind of.does not caught we feel better
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The first thing is that if someone is suffering from disease are damaged and may never recover completely. The second is that treatment will take time , if someone is suffering from disease is likely to be bedridden for sometime even if we can give proper treatment. The third is that the person suffering from an infectious disease can serve as the source from where the infection may spread to the people. It is because of such reason that prevention of disease is better than their cure
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Ohhh hhgk ygfj
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Prevention is definitely better than cure because curing a disease can take a lot of money and effort.
However if you prevent the disease then you can save money as well as time.
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prevention is better than cure or because it save money time
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Because it is true
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There are three limitations of this approach:
The first is that once someone had a disease, there body functions are damaged and may never recover completely.
The second is that treatment will take time, which means that someone suffering from a disease is likely to be bedridden for sometime if we can give proper treatment.
The third is that the person suffering from an infectious disease can serve as the source from where the infection may spread to other people.

Thank you!!!
Hope it helps you !!!!
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Dear Student

Prevention Is Better Than Cure. Modern medicine is overwhelmingly reactive rather?than?proactive. ... It is?better?to?prevent?disease rather?than?to try to find?cures?for diseases after they occur. The reasoning here is similar to why you change the oil in your car rather?than?wait to fix a blown engine..
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When we say that prevention is better than cure, it essentially means that it is better to stop something before it happens instead of having to repair it or deal with its consequences after it has already been done.
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