Prove the following by the PMI :

n7/ 7 + n5 / 5 + n3 / 3 + n2/ 2 - 37/210n is a positive integer for all n belongs to N.

TPT : is a positive integer for all .

to prove this by mathematical induction first we will show that it is true for n = 1

and then we will assume that it is true for n = k and by the help of our assumption we will prove that it is true for n = (k+1)

step I;

put n = 1

which is an integer.

step II: let us assume that result holds for n = k

i.e.   is an integer................(1)

step III:

now we will try prove that it is true for n = k+1

all are multiple of 7 . therefore

is a positive integer.

thus ...................(2)


since are multiple of 5. and is a positive integer

......................(4)   is a positive integer

from eq(2), (3), (4),(5) and (6):

[from eq(1)]

= sum of positive integers

= a positive integer.

thus we have proved that for n = (k+1); is a positive integer.

thus it is true for all values of n belongs to N.

hope this helps you.


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