Q 1. Name the process being studied .
Q 2. Explain the process mentioned above .
Q 3. Why is oil placed over water?
Q 4. What do we observe with regard to level of water when this setup is placed in I) bright sunlight II) humid conditions III) windy day?
Q 5. Mention any 3 adaptations found in plants to foster the process mentioned above.

Dear student
Please find answers below:-

(1) Process being studied is Photosynthesis.

(2) Photosynthesis is defined as the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight and turn it into chemical energy.
  It is represented as
              6CO2 + 12H2O + Light Energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

(3) Oil layer is placed over water to prevent air exchange. During photosynthesis oxygen is released out but oil will prevent release of oxygen and will also hinder the sunlight for plant growth.

(4) The level of water will change according to conditions:-
   (a) during bright sunlight more photosyntheis will occur hence more water will be used up and level of water in tube decreases.
   (b) During humid condition plant will require less water, hence water level in tube decrease but less as compare to above case.
   (c) During windy day very less amount of water change occur in tube.

(5) Adaptations for photosynthesis
     (a) Large number of chloroplast to trap more light energy.
     (b) orientation of leaves to trap maximum light energy.
     (c) Numerous stomata on leaves to allow rapid exchange of gases.



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