
Use the following information to answer the next question.

Consider the following statements regarding fossil fuels.

I. Fossil fuels are the dead remains of living organisms that have been buried for a long time.

II. One of the adverse effects of excessive use of fossil fuels is earthquakes.

III. Excessive use of fossil fuels causes global warming and a depletion of natural resources.

Among the given statements,

A :

only statement I is true

B :

only statement III is true

C :

statements II and III are true

D :

statements I and III are true

Coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. are fossil fuels. These are formed from the remains of dead organisms that were buried under the Earth’s crust over millions of years ago. Hence, statement I is correct.

Fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources because these are found in limited amounts. Excess use of fossil fuels causes global warming and depletion of these resources. Hence, statement III is correct.

Earthquake is a natural phenomenon that is caused by the movement of tectonic plates under the Earth’s crust. It is not caused by excess use/burning of fossil fuels. Hence, statement II is incorrect.

The correct answer is C.

The answer given here is wrong.

(encountered in problem olmpiad)

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