Q4 c and d part answer

Q4 c and d part answer citizens should vote. e) She has not ught books recently. 4.Answer the "Wind, come softly Don't break the shutters of the windows Don't scatter the papers, Don't throw down the books on the shelf, There look what you did- you threw them all down" a) What are the things the poet wants the wind not to break? b) What has the wind done? c) Why does the ptet ask the wind to come swiftly? d) How does the wind become the cause of the rain?

Answer (c) Poet asks the wind to come swiftly because when the wind blows strongly it causes a lot of destruction.
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There has probably been a printing error in the Q4 c it should be 'Why does the poet ask the wind to come softly?'

The answer to this question is:- 
The poet asks the wind to come slowly because it causes the shutters of the windows to break, scatters papers, throws down the books on the shelf, tears the pages of the books and brings rain when it blows strongly.

The answer to Q4 d:-
The wind brings rain by blowing the water laden clouds to the places and when the water droplets are too heavy they fall down causing rain.

I hope u did well in this examination and wish you the very best for the future ones. 
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