Q8 With thehelp oflabelled diagrams of:a) T.s. of alimentary canal(stomach) b)T.S. of alimentary canal (intestinal region) c) villi Describe the histology of alimentary canal

Layers Forming Alimentary Canal

  • From Oesophagus to Rectum, wall of Alimentary canal (A.C.) possesses 4 layers:

  • Rugae − irregular folds formed by mucosa in stomach

  • Villi − These are finger-like folding formed by mucosa in small intestine. Cells that line villi bear microscopic projections called microvilli. These increase the surface area.

  • Villi have a network of capillaries and lacteal (a large lymph vessel). This helps in absorption of food in small intestine.

  • Importance of mucosa layer:

    • Bears villi and rugae

    • Bears Goblet cells, which secrete mucus, facilitating lubrication

    • Forms glands in stomach (Gastric glands)

    • Forms crypts of Lieberkuhn in between bases of villi that secrete various enzymes

Openings and Sphincters

  • Glottis − opening of trachea

  • Epiglottis − flap that prevents entry of food into wind pipe

  • Gastro-oesophageal sphincter − guards opening of oesophagus into stomach

  • Pyloric sphincter − guards opening of stomach into duodenum

  • Sphincter of Oddi − guards opening of hepato-pancreatic duct into duodenum

  • Ileo-Caecal valve − guards opening of ileum into caecum

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