Question 3 and 4

Abhishek, Hritik, John, and Amir are assigned the tasks of moving equal positive charges slowly through an electric field, along assigned path (shown as dotted line). In each case the charge is at rest at the beginning. They all five paths of exactly equal lengths. Who must do the most positive work?
(A) Abhishek
(B) Hritik
(C) Amir
(D) John

There is a fixed positive charge Q & O and A and B are points equidistant from O. A positive charge+ q is taken slowly by an external agent from A to B along the line and then along the line CB.
(A) The total work done on the charge is zero
(B) The work done by the electrostatic force from A to C is negative
(C) The work done by the electrostatic force from C to B is positive
(D) The work done by electrostatic force in taking the charge from A to B is dependent on the actual path

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