Sentence reordering
Q.3. (a) closed seasons/ many communities/ follow traditional practices/ of forest dwellers/ of maintaining/
and fisherpeople
(b) as no hunting/ the wildlife population/ its numbers/ or fishing/ during this time/ can recoup/ is allowed
(c) have been/ and social customs/ because of/ many species/ centuries/ conserved/ such religious/ through the

1. Many communities of forest dwellers and fisher people follow traditional practices of maintaining closed seasons . 
2. During this time the wildlife population can recoup its number as no hunting or fishing is allowed .

3. Because of such religious and social customs many species have been conserved through the centuries .

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1. Many communities of forest dwellers and fisher people follow traditional practices of maintaining closed seasons . 
2. During this time wildlife population can recoup its number as no hunting or fishing is allowed .
3. Because of many species such religious and social customs have been conserved through the centuries .
hope this helps:)
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