Shanta runs an industry in a shed which is in the shape of a cubeoid surmounted by half cylinder ..If the base of the shed is of demension 7m x 15m , and the height of the cuboidal portion is 8 m, find the volume of air that the shed can hold.Further, suppose the machinery in the shed accupies a total space of 300m3, and there are 20 workers each of whom ocupy about 0.08 m 3 space on a average . Then how much air is in the shed?

The volume of air inside the shed (when there are no people or machinery) is given by the volume of air inside the cuboid and inside the half cylinder taken together. Given, the length, breadth and height of the cuboid are 15m, 7m and 8m respectively.

Also the diameter of half cylinder = 7 m

∴ radius of half cylinder

and the height of half cylinder = 15 m

so, the volume of air inside the shed = volume of cuboid + (volume of cylinder)

= 1128.75 m3 

The total space occupied by the machinery = 300 m3 and the total space occupied by the workers = 20 × 0.08 m3 = 1.6 m3.

Therefore, the volume of air, when there are machinery and workers = (1128.75) – (300 + 1.6)  = 827.15 m3 

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dimension of shed are=7m*15m*8m

so the volm of shed = volm of air it can hold= (7*15*8)m3= 840m3

volm occupied by 1 worker = 0.08m3

so  volm occupied by 20 workers=0.08m3*20=1.6m3

and   volm of machinery = 300m3

volm of air in shed = 840-(300+1.6)=538.4m3

Hope it helpss................ :)

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