show that the semi vertical angle of a right circular cone of a given surface area and maximum volume is sin -1 (1/3)

Let r be the radius, l be the slant height and h be the height of the cone.

Surface area of the cone (S),

Let V be the volume of the cone.

Differentiating (2) w.r.t. r, we get–

For maximum or minimum,

either r = 0 or S – 4πr 2 = 0

Differentiating (3), we have –

Now if α be the semi-vertical angle of the cone, then


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 Let r be the radius, be the slant height and h be the height of the cone of given surface area S.

Then S = πrl + πr 2

Let V be the volume of the cone.

Let Y = V2 Then V is maximum on minimum according to Z is maximum or minimum.

Differentiating w rt r

For maximum or minimum, put 

Differentiating (2) wrt r,

Thus, Y is maximum when S= 4πr 2

⇒ V is maximum when S = 4πr 2

Now, S = 4πr 2

⇒πrl + πr 2 = 4πr 2

⇒πrl = 3πr 2

l = 3r

Consider, in right ∆OBC, 

Thus, V is maximum when 

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