
1.Kasim's age is 6 more than Kazi's age.The sum of their ages is 54 years.Find their ages.

2.Supriya has Rs.6 less than the amount that Salman has.Together they Rs.44.Find the amont each of them has.

3.In the Garden there are as many coconut trees as there are mango trees.Find the number of each type,if there are 50 trees in the garden altogether.

4.If the sum of a natural number and the following it is 69 find the two numbers.

5.If the perimeter of an equilateral triangle is 57 cm find the length of its side.

6.Khanduji has twice as many cows as he has buffaloes.If the total number of cows & buffaloes he has is 15 how many does he have each?

7.Ten litres of milk was shared between John andGeorge.If Geroge was given 2 litres more than John,how many litres did eachget?

(1) Let Kazi's age be x years

Then Kasim age will be (x + 6) years


Given: Sum of ages of both is 54 years


Hence Kazi's age is 24 years and Kasim's age is 24 + 6 = 30 years



(2) Let the money with Salman be Rs y

Then the money with Supriya will be Rs (y – 6)


Given: They both together has Rs 44


Hence Salman has Rs 25 and Supriya has Rs (25 – 6) = Rs 19


Due to paucity of time it would not be possible for us to provide the answers to all your queries. We are providing solutions to some your good queries. Try solving rest of the questions yourself and if you face any difficulty then do get back to us.


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1. x + x + 6 = 54

    2x + 6 = 54

     2x = 54-6

     2x = 48

      x =48/2

      x = 24

therefore,kasim's age =24+6=30 years

kazi's age = 24 years

all others can be done in the form of equation



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Thanks adarsh !

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1) Let Kazi's age be and Kasims age would be x+2


x+x+6 = 54

2x+6 = 54

2x = 48

x = 24

So  Kasims age would be 30 and Kazis age would be 24.

2)Let salman has Rs x and supriya has x-6


x+x-6 = 44

2x-6 = 44

2x = 50

x = 25

So salman has Rs 25 and supriya has Rs 19

3) Let the number of each type of trees be x.


2x = 50

x = 25

So the number of coconut and mango trees are 25 each.

4)Let the number be x.


x+x+1 = 69

2x+1 = 69

2x = 68

x = 34

So the numbers are 34 and 35

5)Let the side be x.


x+x+x = 57

3x = 57

x = 19

So the side is 19cm.

6) Let the number of buffaloes be x then number of cows is 2x.


2x+x = 15

3x = 15

x = 5

The number of buffaloes will be 5 and the number of cows is 10.

7) Let the quantity of milk with john be x and with george it will be x+2


x+x+2 = 10

2x+2 = 10

2x = 8

x = 4

So the john has 4l and george has 6l of milk.

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