Solve this:

Solve this: Date: A.Change the sentences from direct to 1. "Tomorrow's weather wul be mostly sunny with ax-hance Of afternoon showers," the weatherman announced. 2 The instructor said, Shall absolutely useno laptop during lecture time," 3. "Can we postpone the test until Monday?" the students asked. 4' new students must go to the student center to get their new ID card," said the instructor. *You must do this before you can get a library card." 5. There will be no tuition increase this year," said the president "In fact. there will be no tuition increase for the next 3 years." G "I will run for re-election this year," said Mayor Reed, 7.Hani said, forgot td can my mother." B. Karine said, can teacb you how to edit videu• 9. Michael said, "I want to visit Cairo one day." 10. Bob's boss said, The meeting starts at 2:00," I I. The mechanic said. "I'm sorry, but J won't be ableto fix your car today," 12. Sue said, "I've already seen that movie.' 13. Maria asked, "Can you meet me at Lee's Sandwich shop today?" 14. Susan said, "The food is very delicious there." 15. Mark said, "I am going to ride my bike to work today." 16. Janice said, "Ihave been to Dubai several times." 17.The nurse asked him, "How are you feeling". 18. The teacher asked •Have you written your homework?" 19. He asked me "Do you know anything about the accident?" 20. My brother asked, •Has anybody called while I was out". 21. ne mechanic said. "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to fix your car today." 22. Sue said, "l We already seen that movie." 23.Jim said, "J am tired." 24.6. She asked me "Do you know where Mrs Baker lives?" 25. Mary said, "l am planning to go to Turkey." 26. Deb said, "l called my doctor." 27. Richard said, "I'm going to New York." 28. Tom said, "I have to finish my report" 29. Ann said. "l can't read Farsi." 30. Ahmad said, "l will come to the presentation." 31, Satia said, "l can meet you at noon." 32. Peter said, "I We been to Afghanistan twice." 33."What time is the meeting?" Tom asked 34.7. He asked her, • Has the plane left?" 35. Sue asked Pat, "What did you do on Sunday?" 36. "l visited My brother," Pat answered. 37.Maria said, "l have a doctods appointment at 3:00." 38. The weatherman said, "We can expect rain all weekend." 39. Asif said, "l will visit my brother on Sunday: 40. Safia said. "I went to Italy last year. •

Dear Student,
It is not possible to post all the answers in a single thread. Please post them in a set of 10 questions in separate threads, in order to make answering easier.
  1. The weatherman announced that the next day's weather would be mostly sunny with a chance of afternoon showers.
  2. The instructor commanded that they should absolutely use no laptop during lecture time.
  3. The students asked if they could postpone the test until Monday.
  4. The instructor said that all new students must go to the student centre to get their new ID card and he also added that they must do that before they could get a library card.
  5. The president said that there would be no tuition increase that year. He added that in fact there would be no tuition increase for the next three years.
  6. Mayor Reed announced that he would run for re-election that year.
  7. Hani said that she had forgotten to call her mother.
  8. Karine said that she could teach me how to edit video.
  9. Michael said that he wanted to visit Cairo some day.
  10. Bob's boss announced that the meeting would start at two.
I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team. 
Thank you.

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