team A has played with team B 15 times during the season. team A has won 10 times and team B has won 5 times . if we take the probability that A will win a game with B 2/3 , find the probability that A will win (against B)
1. the next 3 games
2. two of the next 3 games
3. atleast two out of the next three games

Dear Student ,
Please find below the solution to the asked query :

Probability A win=23 , Probability A loses=1-23=131 Probability A win next 3 games=23×23×23=827   ANS...2 Probability A win 2 of the next 3 games=23×23×13+23×13×23+13×23×23=427+427+427=1227   ANS...3 Probability A win atleast 2 out of the next 3 games=Probability A win 2 of the next 3 games + Probability A win next 3 games=827+1227=2027   ANS...
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