Tejan Gupta sir (Meritnation Expert), You had an answer to the below question, before some time...The answer to the related question was very simple ones for my exhibition... Please answer a bit more better and specifically.. The experiment or activity was not at all based on the features, characteristics and the terminologists related to a Gyroscope

The Question was-

How to make and construct a mini working model of Gyroscope?

Please include the following points in the answer- 

·         Please list the minimum and basic materials required for making a simple gyroscope. 
·         Write entire procedure step by step in simple words, with the help of diagrams.
·         Also, state the aim or motto behind  that experiment in the model.
Please provide an appropriate diagram for the experiment in the model. 

Actually, I have done research on Gyroscope and its pression at Meritnation... so please don't provide  any link  from the Ask& Answer at Meritnation .. Because I have already gone through all those perfectally. }

Experts, please don't give any excuses regarding this question. 


Dear student,
That explanation is best-suited according to the query posted by you.
All the basic materials used as well as proper diagram was also attached to it, as asked by you i.e, how to make a simple gyroscope.
So please be a little specific that what kind of model you really want to work on.
So that we provide you with that amount of details clearly.


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